Thursday, July 30, 2009

Xin Ji Mei Ren facial masks 心机美人面膜

蚕丝蛋白紧致面膜 Hydrolyzed Silk Protein mask

促进胶原蛋白的生成,加速肌肤伤口的愈合速度、 增加肌肤弹性.可对抗自由基的形成及避免紫外线对肌肤造成的伤害. 更添加了玻尿酸,改善肌膚缺水现象.使保养后的肌肤清爽不油膩,更加柔嫩细致。

Speed up the formation of collagen and thus repair your skin and improves the elasticity of your skin. Helps to prevent the harm and damages UVA caused to your skin. Also include Hyaluronate acid which helps to moisturize your skin, leaving it clean and smooth.

3 pieces available

左旋C淨白面膜 Vitamin C Mask

迅速改善皮肤晦暗、粗糙、干涩等问题, 含高纯度的左旋维他命C成分,可拒绝黑色素沉淀, 促进血液循环减少皱纹,使肌肤展現出青春的光泽, 防止皮肤细胞受损老化, 具紧肤除皱的作用经由生化美白还原作用。


Improves skin condition eg dry and rough skin problems. Contains high vitamin C thus speed up blood circulation and reduces wrinkles. Prevents cells from being damaged and has whitening effects too. Leaves your skin in a radiant and comfortable condition after applying.

3 pieces available

蝦紅素鑽石面膜 Astaxanthin + Collagen

蝦紅素鑽石面膜 astaxanthin

Has suppresses and eliminates the active oxygen ability, can promote the cell regeneration, prevents and improves the lines on face, the wrinkle production, delays the flesh to get older the premature occurrence, for in flesh best youth maintenance effect. Has well guarantees 溼 the effect, can detain the flesh moisture content, maintains flesh's smoothness and the tenderness


蝦紅素鑽石面膜 具有抑制及清除活性氧的能力,能促进细胞再生, 賦予肌膚緊緻與有彈性预防并改善细纹,皱纹的产生,延缓肌肤老化过早发生, 给于肌肤最佳的青春维持效果


3 pieces available

薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 Collagen + Menthol

薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 collagen method extract

The peppermint collogen facial mask absorption unnecessary fat, causes the pore to be no longer conspicuous. Removes the skin old waste cutin temperately, and may sterilize, the bacteriostasis, in-depth to be clean, after the use, neat comfortable. Suits the neutrality and greasiness, smallpox smallpox and the question flesh




頂級玻尿酸保濕面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate

頂級玻尿酸保濕面膜 sodium hyluranate

The top Bolivia uric acid moisturizer facial mask stimulates and promotes the skin cell regeneration, the Bolivian uric acid to contain the high efficiency moisturizer ability. Can prevent the flesh to get older effectively, the skin color is dim, relaxation

含高度玻尿酸成分及膠原蛋白成分等, 改善肌膚粗糙、缺水、龜裂等現象



4 pieces available

特濃紅酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Polyphenols

特浓红酒多酚面膜 red wine

The especially thick red wine polyphenol facial mask has astonishing oxidation resistance ability, restores flesh's gloss and the elasticity. Can prevent the flesh to get older effectively, causes the flesh blood circulation to be normal, healthy skin color

特濃紅酒多酚面膜 紅酒多酚是從紅酒中萃取出,具有高度的抗氧能力



Out of stock

埔里酒粕純米吟釀 Sake-Kojic

埔里酒粕純米吟釀 sakae extract

Causes the flesh perfectly clear fair and can promote flesh's metabolism, improves flesh aspect and so on questions, because includes rich pitera to be possible to cause the flesh to be smoother carefully!!

埔里酒粕純米吟釀 使肌膚清透白皙並能促進肌膚的新陳代謝

改善肌膚方面等等問題,因為含有豐富的 pitera 可使肌膚更光滑細緻

3 pieces available

海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 Deep Ocean Water

海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 deep oceanwater

May supplement the flesh needs the nutrient, the favor and moistens the flesh, supplies the flesh to need the moisture, restores the flesh elasticity, lets the flesh have the gloss full. And may help the flesh to increase the resistivity, reduces the skin sensibility phenomenon affably, the repair and maintenance cell, causes the flesh to be healthier.

海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 可补充肌肤所需的养分,润泽并滋润肌肤



4 pieces available

珍珠粉蛋白面膜 Pearl

珍珠粉蛋白面膜 pearl extract

The tapioca protein facial mask promotion flesh vigor, maintains flesh's moisture and the elasticity. Special recommendation dry inelastic skin nature use. May cause the flesh maintenance extremely good to guarantee the water, outside may cause the moisture not to drain, also extremely has moistening, after spreading, like the silk and satin are smooth

珍珠粉蛋白面膜 添加「珍珠粉蛋白」,可提升肌膚活力,保持肌膚的水份及彈性



3 pieces available

牛奶亮白保濕面膜 Milk

牛奶亮白保湿面膜 milk extract

The milk transparent white moisturizer facial mask may tightly the flesh, restore the elasticity, has the extremely good effect regarding the moisturizer, will use the flesh to be brighter for a long time passes white, will improve the face flesh roughly, the non-gloss question to cause immediately The flesh reproduction is perfect, gentle smooth, fair exquisite, affable smooth




2 pieces available

深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜 Caviar

深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜 caviar extract

Also to have many help cell normal operation element to be able to activate the flesh, helps the repair to suffer injury the organization, can display the unprecedented reversal effect, lets you the flesh likely baby careful smooth.

深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜 還有許多幫助細胞正常運作的元素,能活化肌膚, 修復受損組織,成為絕佳美膚珍品

其中所含的魚子萃取物,富含生物海洋細胞刺激劑、維他命、礦物質和許多有益的胺基酸, 更能發揮前所未有的逆轉功效,讓您的肌膚像嬰兒般的細緻光滑

燕窩與膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜 Edible Nest of Cliff Swallows

燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜 Bird nest collogen

diamond level facial mask Dual moistens for the flesh, can prevent dry, the rough ageing phenomenon production. Can improve and the rebirth skin nature, supplies the flesh nutrient, activates the flesh, strengthens metabolism function, and prevents the tiny wrinkle, increases elasticity of the flesh.




1 pieces available

熊果素亮白無暇面膜 Arbutin

熊果素亮白無暇面膜 arbutin extract

Suppresses the tyrosine enzyme effectively activeness, can block the melanin formation, causes the flesh to reply white thoroughly tender. The full improvement flesh pigment precipitates uneven and the skin color sinks darkly the phenomenon, lets the flesh transparent white

熊果素亮白無暇面膜 有效抑制酪胺酸酶的活性



2 pices available

Price : RM 6.00

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